lyla, chewy, and hallmark.

Monday, November 16, 2015

I may or may not be doing a sponsored post for Hallmark.

I may or may not LOVE Hallmark.

I may or may not really love their Christmas movies..and their cards...and their stores.

Hallmarks headquarters may or may not be about 25 mins away from my house.

I may or may have dreamed about being a card designer for Hallmark.

We may or may not have introduced our small children to Star Wars a few weeks ago.

Lyla may or may not be hooked.

Lyla may or may not have a semi-unhealthy obsessed with Chewbacca.

Lyla may or may proclaimed that she would like to marry Chewy.

The hubs may or may not have told Lyla she needed to be 28 before she could get married.

Lyla may or may not have cried, " No. I looooooove Chewy. I want to marry him now."

We may or may not have had a lot of fun checking out all the Star Wars goodies at the Hallmark Gold Store.

Lyla may or may not have fallen head over heels with the Itty Bitty Chewy.

I may or may not have really liked the $6.95 price tag.

We may or may not have brought a few Itty Bittys home.

Lyla may or may not whisper sweet nothings into Chewy's ear...after all they are engaged.

We may or may not really,really, really want to go and see Star Wars: The Force Awakens on December 18th. 

Tell me what you may or may not be up to today?

Do you love Hallmark Christmas movies?
Are you a Star Wars fan?

Unknown said...

I may or may not have been 28 years old before I watched any Stars Wars movies (I'm 34 now)
I may or may not have not really cared for them (Sorry George Lucas)
I may or may not have to watch them again with the kids (maybe I will change my mind)
I may or may not love that Liza want to marry Chewy (I will try to make the wedding 😜)
I may or may not still have to unpack still (call me slacker)
I may or may not rather be drinking coffee and holding my favorite boy