Pfister faucet.

Saturday, October 10, 2015


I'm in love with a faucet, and I'm not even ashamed about it.

This faucet is an absolute dream. 

It's powerful. 
It's pretty. 
It's filter is built right into the tap. 
It's amazing. 

I am not a bottled water kind of person. I don't like them. I think they are bad for the environment. I also don't like spending the money on them. Did you know that the average person spends $800+ on bottled water!!? That's crazy talk. (Mom. I'm totally talking to you)

I could go on and on about why you should stop buying bottled water. (mom) But, I won't. Instead I'll leave with a few facts...The average American spends $100 a year/per person on bottled water //  Americans spend $11.8 billion on bottled water // It takes one plastic bottle 450 to degrade // 25% of bottled water is actually just tap water //  Plastic isn't just bad for the environment, some studies show its bad for you too...hello BPA // 

With that said, I usually fill up our own containers on the go. We have filter in our fridge. However, I run into the problem of the dispenser being too small and the bottle head not fitting...and then I spill water all over the floor...or water runs down my arm...and all over my clothes...or all over the floor...please tell me I'm not the only one that happens to.??? 

I have a hard time filling up tea pitchers and coffee pots. I usually have to grab a cup and fill it with filtered water...and then  pouring the cup into whatever container I am using. Of course...I usually do this 3-4 times in order to fill up just one container. 

That all changed when the Pfister Xtract Faucet showed up at my door. It was a life changer. 

The filter is built right into the faucet. 

That's right. Right into the faucet.

This means I can fill up water bottles, coffee machines, and tea pitchers in an instant.

The best part...the faucet is designed to only use the filter when you need...and want it. That means that you aren't using the filter when washing wasting the filter.

This faucet is paired up with GE filters for one of the best filters on the market. 

Did you know that there can actually be traces of pharmaceuticals in your drinking water!!? I did not know that. Now I do. The GE filter...filters chlorine...pharmaceuticals...lead...mercury...and even pesticides. gag. gag. and gag. 

While it is true that this is a sponsored post, I would still in all honesty HIGHLY recommend this faucet to anyone building a home, or remodeling. I am just so impressed with every aspect of it. 

Do you purchase bottled waters? 
Do you use a filtered water systems?

Would you ever consider replacing them with a Pfister faucet? 

P.S. I had the best cup of coffee I've had in years with the purified water from my new faucet. Clean water. Great coffee. Its a win, win.