Brooklyn and Smoothie King.

Thursday, May 5, 2016


I often tease and say something along the lines of, "Whhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyy must the children eat dinner every night???" ...The same plea applies to lunch and breakfast. 


Sort of. 

It is a lot of work to prep, and cook, and most importantly clean up the mess cooking for a family of six makes! I actually like cooking...I love baking more...but its frowned upon to feed your family dessert 24/7. 

Any task, especially cooking,  has become problematic lately. You see, my baby is going through what is known as 18 month sleep regression...good times, good times...that basically means she has forgotten how to sleep...she wakes up screaming in the middle of the night...she has started to boycott makes for a super happy mom and baby...again I say...good times, good times. 

With the noted sleep regression in also makes running errands a real pain in the neck. Brooklyn's new favorite past time is to reach in the cart behind her and grab for whatever she can get her tiny hands on...and throw it out of the cart...I'm not even kidding...she giggles...I tell her NO!...she smiles...she thinks I'm a total joke. #fourthchildproblems 

Anyhoo...I know this is just a season...and this too shall pass...until then...I was trying to think of a way to entertain her while I shop. 


Shop during lunch time, and let her eat while I attempt to accomplish...something....anything. 

I don't typically do fast food. I was looking for something healthy that she could have for lunch, something that was full of nutrients, something that she couldn't throw on the floor.

Enter, Smoothie King. They have such a huge selection of yummy drinks! I can give my baby a blended drinks filled with protein, fresh fruits, and even veggies!!! 

She sucked this smoothie doooooooooown.

I was able to shop, and she was able to have lunch, and she was happy...all thanks to blended veggies.