a fall craft.

Friday, November 21, 2014

I am always on the look out for fun ideas to try out with my kiddos. I stumbled across quite a few images of painted leaves this fall.  I thought we would give it a try, and it was a simple easy task that all three kiddos enjoyed. 

Of course by enjoyed, I mean one child took their time with every little detail, one child finished in two seconds and spent the rest of the time mixing paint colors, and the last child opted out of painting the leaves in favor of painting her body. good times, good times

By good times I mean I left these outside to dry and forgot to bring them in...and it rained that night. The child who took their time with their art work was not happy, the child who mixed the colors thought it was neat to see what had happened to the paper, and the last child who painted all over themselves still loved their masterpiece all the same.