In the beginning of the summer I posted about how I was going embrace this summer and be present. In turn I almost all together abandon my blog, and I am so happy I did. It was a effortless summer not filled with travel, but sweet simple moments.
Summer recap // we went to the pool // cheered jude on in baseball // watched his team tie for first place // watched elisabeth become quite the swimmer // watched her earn ribbons, and take first place, go to conference, and earn medals and ribbons at conference, and finally watch her team take first place overall // took just elisabeth to lunch alone as a treat for swim // we drove 3 hours to silver dollar city and rode two rides...then a massive rain storm hit so we drove home... // it took us almost the whole month of june, but we finally caught some fireflies // drank sweet tea and consumed at least 600 popsicles // we of course feed baby goats // visited the zoo // got bored at the zoo and turned elephant tusk into wipeout courses // decided baby goats were the cutest animals ever, and they were way better than the zoo...so we visited baby goats again // went to the pool // I grew a baby // built tents on the porch // celebrated a birthday // read books // built tents in the hallway // read more books // spent a little more time at the pool // built tents under the kitchen table // jude learned how to swim // lyla learned how to do a canon ball // drank a ton of cherry lemonade and purchase a massive amount of sonic ice // watched the sandlot with cousins // made smore's // visited our favorite pizza place // celebrated 10 years // enjoyed sparklers, and smoke bombs, and cousins, and family for the 4th // made apple pie // road bikes and scooters // beat 2048 // jude checked out a book about states from the library // jude became fascinated with learning the states // i taught my children THIS song // they learned it in two days // i may or may not regret teaching them the state song // jude learned where all the states were on the map in about 4 days // states are now his favorite thing // had a treasure hunt and a goonies party with cousins // eat a lot of ice cream, i mean a lot // i made my children try a banana split...two out of three liked it // went to penguin park // went bowling // went to VBS // we tried a dipped cone // celebrated 40 years of marriage with my in laws // spent a little more time at the pool // drank coffee and read the good word on the porch // rode a pony // lyla got kicked out of her crib and moved into elisabeths room // the first night she rolled of her bed and we found her the next morning under her sisters bed // went back to school shopping // the hubs painted the kitchen // visited the plaza and union station // enjoyed some very lovely weather // opened the windows and even turned the air off // met members of the secret service and saw the presidents car // laughed, talked about jesus, and spent time as a family // had sleep overs // sent two kiddos off to school...to the second grade and kindergarten // and lastly we are patiently awaiting the arrival of the newest addition to our family in just a few short weeks.
So if your still here and you read all of that, tell me how was your summer?
Glad you've been so busy having fun before baby comes! Can't belive just a couple more weeks!
What a beautiful summer!!!
This sounds like an amazing summer! Filled with everything important. And those pictures? AMAZING!
I think you more than "met" your summer bucket list! Wow! I like how your kids made tents in the hallway. I've never thought of that idea before. I'll save it for the next snow day.
Ah, your photos are darling.
Finding Lyla under Elisabeth's bed... adorable. Although I wonder if there was a bit of freaking out while looking??
I just posted a lengthy post with loads of pix from our summer too.
It was a good one, but I always wish it were longer.
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