weekend recap.

Monday, August 24, 2015

weekend recap. lovely cool august weather // fire pits and bike ride accidents // bandages, hot tubs,  chinese food, and backyard play with cousins // baseball practice, followed by a lazy saturday, pj's all day, and movies // honey crisp are ready! // early morning church, prayer for healing, and country driving // apple orchard closed until 1pm, two hours to kill, park exploring, rock jumping, and a donut date // finally! apple picking, 50lbs of apples, tree climbing, apple testing, park playing, and honey suckers // a country drive home, while dreaming of small town life // lunch, backyard play, nail painting, reading on the porch, and a late night walk // 

Amy @Set Free said...

You have the sweetest family. Love these pics.

susan jakovina said...

OMG they're the cutest friend! (as are you!) xox