{ source: the olive tree }
I saw this saying on pinterest and really liked it. I never wanted to be an in your face Christian. I would hope that people would know that I am set apart from things of the world...that they would see something different about me...maybe by the way I talk, how I raise my children, how it reflects in my marriage, or even how I treat other people.But, lately I have been wondering if it is enough. To me there is a very fine line between forcing it down someones throat and in result turning them more away from God ... and sharing the love of Jesus to someone who doesn't know it. I guess I will have to seek out the holy spirit in these times and listen to God when the situation presents itself...because I never want to miss the opportunity to tell someone about Gods great love and all he has done.
linking up with Erin today.
This is a lovely lovely post. England, unfortunately, is not at all a religious country.. in a way we're discouraged from religion from an early age. There are so many different religions in our country due to immigration that it is kind of a taboo to discuss.. even at school we're taught about anything but christianity!!
That being said, I count myself as a christian. I don't tend to go to church, and I don't pray often but when times get hard I know that I have something to believe in that helps me, and to me that's what counts the most xx
I often struggle on this fine line as well. I saw this quote on Pinterest as well and it really spoke to me. When talking to people about God I try to keep this quote in mind. I never want to force Him on anyone, but want to show them just how AWESOME He is so that they feel compelled to know more and learn more. :)
Very true. I have known so many people who gone away from God because they felt like they were being forced into faith. It's hard to know how much or how little to say to a person, I wish I could be more gutsy sometimes!
Thanks for the inspiration :)
I've been thinking about this a lot....thanks for sharing :)
thank you so much for the comment you left on my blog...;) i love this post. now a follower...:) have a blessed day!
Love it.
that is the best quote i've heard or uh read in a long time.
i feel the same way. i wait a push from him to share. when i feel it i share.
I love this!!!!! <3
Share away sweet Friend :)
Such a simple, true quote!
I love that--and yes, it is so so true. One of the prayers that I always pray is that if I am supposed to minister (because I also tend to by on the quiet side when it comes to discussing God and His great works) that He please give me the words to speak truth and life into them. :)
love this friend. making me think too : )
I find your conviction refreshing! I think you should share your feelings regarding Jesus and not worry about anything else! :)
Love your blog!
Alex ~http://therolexrelease.blogspot.com
powerful post!!! just by merely being a blessing to other people and showing them that we live acording to God's words then surely we can easily touch their lives and be a living instrument to lead them to God without even saying a word yet... love this post and your blog!!! following you now.. hope you could visit my blog too.. kissess!!!
I can't believe I stumbled upon your blog for the first time and found this post. I love that quote and can totally relate. I don't want to miss the opportunity to share the amazing joy and love I feel in knowing Him!
That is such a hard line. It's hard to determine if you are doing it the "right way" or not. It's definitely something to pray about.
So TRUE! thank you for sharing - to walk in the Spirit and truly listen for His leading...that's what I need
Those words! Love.
I don't think you do this at all. Ever. And honestly, am so impressed by your conviction, your beliefs. I wish I could be as sure -
You're amazing.
This is definitely true. I don't consider myself to be super religious but I do know a few people with absolutely no beliefs & I always wonder how they do that... it's strange not to have someone to believe in
Indeed! A great art print quote!
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