{ apple cider float : source + how to = food & words}
Every night about an hour before bedtime my kids get nuts...I mean like someone opened up their little mouths and poured sugar right down. We call it the rise before the crash...
I am so tired by the end of the day I am counting down the seconds until bedtime...however the second those little
Am I the only one?
p.s My Mimi makes the best hot cider!
I am right there with you, I get so excited when I look a the clock and we can start bedtime, and once they are sound asleep, I sit and watch them when an hour before all I wanted was to be left alone. The apples look tasty!
Apple Cider float? I am in love! Yum!
These apples are adorable! :) I love it!
I'm really all about the candles in the apples. Super cute!
oh my... this all looks so delicious!
Apple cider float? YUM! And I can't believe it but I actually want to make something Paula Deen dreamed up. I usually avoid it...
Whenever my girlies go to grandma's house for a sleep over and I walk past their shared bedroom...door still open...light still on...empty beds...I get a tightening in my chest. And yet I am SOOOOO glad to have a quiet night, a break from all the crazy for one evening. Don't quite understand how those two feelings reside in me at the same time. I can't imagine when they leave for college some day...Lord help me!
i totally miss my boy when he goes down. and you are making me wish it was fall here!!
My youngest does this. It drives me crazy and makes me exhausted, but then I can't wait for the next day to begin to learn and play. You are not alone.
an apple cider float?! genius!
Ok, so I've got to try an apple cider float and some apple candles - so pretty! Yes, my kids are pretty nuts the last 2 hours before bed. But when they give sweet hugs & kisses before going to bed they are just the cutest, sweetest things ;)
Yum, Yum and more YUM!!!! AND I love the apple candle idea - can't wait to try it!
The second my house is quiet, I relish in it for about .5 seconds, and then I just wait for that little voice to say "mommy???" and I can't wait to squeeze on her! Just posted some new pic's! btw..
Happy Thursday Friend...
That apple cider float looks DELICIOUS!! :)
oh wow!! these all look heavenly! thanks for sharing girl!
xo TJ
Had to wipe my chin...boy, those all look fabulous!
I am so with you - I'm looking forward to bedtime, and then I want to wake them up and play with them again:)
All these recipes look DELICIOUS. Apples are just so multi-faceted.
Boy, I can't wait for Fall to come around here..Those baked apples look so good! I know exactly what you mean about them going crazy before bedtime, that's how all three of mine get. So by the time it's bedtime I'm SO done! So do you blog at night or in the morning? As soon as I get them down I hop on the computer and check up on blog friends :)
You are SO not alone. I barely get to see my little one these days (not for much longer!!) but am so tired by the end of day ~ am totally counting down to bedtime.
At least in my case I still get to see her at 1:30am, 3:30am, 5....
ok, using the apples as the mugs is beyond cute and creative. and beautiful!
These all are amazing!! Thanks so much for sharing. Def want to try the candy corn cake - yum! xox
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I love apples & all of these photos! So many great ideas here!
Mine get like that too...funny how kids can get so energetic when their tired. I totally don't get that myself, why if they're tired don't they just act tired?
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