a link, or two, or twelve.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday links...

A great song with such a simple, yet powerful message. // be more heart and less attack

A personality test. //  This test nailed it, I got ISFJ. This, this, and this are so true about me.

A recipe. // I will be making this soup this weekend, it is the best chicken noodle ever! {note: I like the frozen Reames noodles better for this soup}

A book. // Sleep training started this week for Miss Brooks b/c I've been up all night and I might sleep all day.

A great cause. // We are helping out with Operation Christmas Child this weekend. Fill a box if you can! Can't fill a box? Buy a baby chick for $14 which could provide 200 eggs a year to those in need.

What personality are you?
Have you ever filled a shoebox?

p.s. and check this out.

Amy @Set Free said...

I'm an ISTJ...I love all things personality traits...so fun to learn about! And I'm dreading sleep training, I know it's in my near future!

Unknown said...

I'm an ESFJ. Most of it fits me to a T but there are things that are not. It is neat to read.

Denise said...

I took that personalty test a few months ago. I'm the ESFP.

Sleep training. We didn't start it with our oldest till last year- He's 16... Do you think it's too late?
Okay, I'm kidding. But we did start it a bit late with him, and we learned our lesson the hard way, and when those other babies popped out we got to it! Keep your eye on the prize!!

susan jakovina said...

I have filled a shoebox! My gf Monica who runs a girls school in the Philippines runs a similiar program. It is SO great.

And also...sleep training?????